* * @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2012 - Star2billing S.L. * @author Belaid Arezqui * @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html * @package A2Billing * * Software License Agreement (GNU Affero General Public License) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * **/ getpost_ifset(array('id', 'uniqueid', 'entry_time', 'status', 'server_ip', 'num_attempt', 'last_attempt_time', 'manager_result', 'agi_result', 'callback_time', 'channel', 'exten', 'context', 'priority', 'application', 'data', 'timeout', 'callerid', 'variable', 'account', 'async', 'actionid')); $HD_Form = new FormHandler("cc_callback_spool", gettext("Callback")); $HD_Form -> FG_DEBUG = 0; $HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_DEFAULT_ORDER = "id"; $HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_DEFAULT_SENS = "DESC"; $HD_Form ->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON1 = true; $HD_Form ->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON_LINK1 = "A2B_entity_callback.php?form_action=ask-add§ion=".$_SESSION["menu_section"]; $HD_Form ->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON_ALT1 = $HD_Form ->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON_MSG1 = gettext("Add CALLBACK"); $HD_Form ->FG_LIST_ADDING_BUTTON_IMG1 = Images_Path ."/lightning_add.png" ; $cnts = new Constants(); $actived_list = $cnts->getActivationTrueFalseList(); $status_list = $cnts->getCallbackStatusList(); $yesno = $cnts->getYesNoList(); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("ID"), "id", "3%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("UNIQUEID"), "uniqueid", "10%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("ENTRY TIME"), "entry_time", "12%", "center", "sort", "19", "", "", "", "", "", "display_dateformat"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("STATUS"), "status", "5%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("SERVER IP"), "server_ip", "5%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement("NA", "num_attempt", "5%", "center", "sort"); //$HD_Form -> AddViewElement("MR", "manager_result", "10%", "center", "sort", "15"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement("AR", "agi_result", "5%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("CALLBACK TIME"), "callback_time", "12%", "center", "sort", "19", "", "", "", "", "", "display_dateformat"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("LAST_ATTEMPT"), "last_attempt_time", "10%", "center", "sort", "19", "", "", "", "", "", "display_dateformat"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("CHANNEL"), "channel", "10%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("CONTEXT"), "context", "10%", "center", "sort"); $HD_Form -> AddViewElement(gettext("SERVER"), "id_server", "5%", "center", "sort", "15", "lie", "server_manager", "server_ip", "id='%id'", "%1"); $HD_Form -> FieldViewElement ('id, uniqueid, entry_time, status, server_ip, num_attempt, manager_result, callback_time, last_attempt_time, channel, context, id_server'); $HD_Form -> CV_NO_FIELDS = gettext("THERE IS NO CALLBACK CREATED!"); $HD_Form -> CV_DISPLAY_LINE_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = false; $HD_Form -> CV_TEXT_TITLE_ABOVE_TABLE = ''; $HD_Form -> CV_DISPLAY_FILTER_ABOVE_TABLE = false; $HD_Form -> FG_LIMITE_DISPLAY = 10; $HD_Form -> FG_ADDITION = true; $HD_Form -> FG_EDITION = true; $HD_Form -> FG_DELETION = true; $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("SERVER GROUP"), "id_server_group", '$value', "SELECT", "", "", "", "sql", "cc_server_group", "name, id", "", "", "%1","", ""); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("UNIQUEID"), "uniqueid", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30", "3", gettext("Insert the uniqueid"), "" , "", "", "", "" , "", "", gettext("This is an identifier to cross check the callback's request.").gettext("(useful if you have requests coming from an other platform through the API))") ); if ($form_action=="ask-add") { $begin_date = date("Y"); $begin_date_plus = date("Y") + 10; $end_date = date("-m-d H:i:s"); $comp_date = "value='".$begin_date.$end_date."'"; $comp_date_plus = "value='".$begin_date_plus.$end_date."'"; $def_ipserver = " value='localhost' "; $def_nbattempt = " value='0' "; } $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("STATUS"), "status", '$value', "SELECT", "", "", "", "list" , "", "", "", $status_list, "%1", "", "" ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("IP SERVER"), "server_ip", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30 $def_ipserver", "11", gettext("Insert the Ip Server"), "" , "", "", "", "", "" , "", ""); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("NUMBER ATTEMPTS"), "num_attempt", '$value', "INPUT", "size=5 maxlength=10 $def_nbattempt", "4", gettext("Insert the number of attempts"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("MANAGER RESULT"), "manager_result", '$value', "INPUT", "size=50 maxlength=80", "11", gettext("Insert the manager result"), "" , "", "", "", "", "" , "NO", ""); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("AGI RESULT"), "agi_result", '$value', "INPUT", "size=50 maxlength=80", "11", gettext("Insert the agi result"), "" , "", "", "", "", "" , "NO", ""); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("CALLBACK DATE"), "callback_time", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=20 $comp_date", "10", "Insert the callback time", "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO-NULL", gettext("please use the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. For instance, '2004-12-31 00:00:00'"), "", "res_display_dateformat"); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("CHANNEL"), "channel", '$value', "INPUT", "size=60 maxlength=70", "11", gettext("Insert the channel"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", gettext("Channel on which to originate the call (SIP/123@"), null, null, gettext("Define all the information requested by asterisk to generate the callback")); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("EXTENSION"), "exten", '$value', "INPUT", "size=15 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the channel"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", gettext("Extension to use on connect (must use Context & Priority with it)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("CONTEXT"), "context", '$value', "INPUT", "size=30 maxlength=50", "11", gettext("Insert the context"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", gettext("Context to use on connect (must use Exten & Priority with it)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("PRIORITY"), "priority", '$value', "INPUT", "size=10 maxlength=10", "4", gettext("Insert the priority"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "", gettext("Priority to use on connect (must use Context & Exten with it)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("APPLICATION"), "application", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the application"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("Application to use on connect : meetme or other (use Data for parameters)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("DATA"), "data", '$value', "INPUT", "size=30 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the data"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("Data if Application parameter is used") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("TIMEOUT"), "timeout", '$value', "INPUT", "size=10 maxlength=15", "11", gettext("Insert the timeout"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("Timeout for the connection to happen (30000)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("CALLERID"), "callerid", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the callerid"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("CallerID to use for the call") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("variable"), "variable", '$value', "INPUT", "size=80 maxlength=300", "11", gettext("Insert the variable"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("Callback info for Asterisk (variable list to transfer to the channel) var1=23|var2=24|var3=25") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("account"), "account", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the account"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("Account code for the call for billing purpose") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("async"), "async", '$value', "INPUT", "size=10 maxlength=10", "11", gettext("Insert the async"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("For the origination to be asynchronous (allows multiple calls to be generated without waiting for a response)") ); $HD_Form -> AddEditElement (gettext("actionid"), "actionid", '$value', "INPUT", "size=20 maxlength=30", "11", gettext("Insert the actionid"), "" , "", "", "", "", "", "NO", gettext("The request identifier. It allows you to identify the response to this request. You may use a number or a string.
Useful when you make several simultaneous requests. ActionID: ABC45678901234567890 ") ); $HD_Form -> FieldEditElement ('id_server_group, uniqueid, status, server_ip, num_attempt, manager_result, agi_result, callback_time, channel, exten, context, priority, application, data, timeout, callerid, variable, account, async, actionid'); // Set the filter variables $HD_Form -> FG_FILTER_APPLY = true; $HD_Form -> FG_FILTERFIELD = 'uniqueid'; $HD_Form -> FG_FILTERFIELDNAME = gettext('uniqueid'); if (isset($filterprefix) && (strlen($filterprefix)>0)) { if (strlen($HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_CLAUSE)>0) $HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_CLAUSE.=" AND "; $HD_Form -> FG_TABLE_CLAUSE.=" uniqueid like '$filterprefix%'"; } $HD_Form -> FG_INTRO_TEXT_EDITION= gettext("Modify the properties of the")." ".$HD_Form->FG_INSTANCE_NAME."."; $HD_Form -> FG_INTRO_TEXT_ASK_DELETION = gettext("If you really want remove this")." ".$HD_Form->FG_INSTANCE_NAME.", ".gettext("click on the delete button."); $HD_Form -> FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADD = gettext("you can add easily a new")." ".$HD_Form->FG_INSTANCE_NAME.".
".gettext("Fill the following fields and confirm by clicking on the button add."); $HD_Form -> FG_INTRO_TEXT_ADITION = ''; $HD_Form -> FG_TEXT_ADITION_CONFIRMATION = gettext("Your new")." ".$HD_Form->FG_INSTANCE_NAME." ".gettext("has been inserted.")."
"; $HD_Form -> FG_BUTTON_EDITION_SRC = $HD_Form -> FG_BUTTON_ADITION_SRC = Images_Path . "/cormfirmboton.gif"; $HD_Form -> FG_BUTTON_EDITION_BOTTOM_TEXT = $HD_Form -> FG_BUTTON_ADITION_BOTTOM_TEXT = gettext("Setup those values to create the new")." ".$HD_Form->FG_INSTANCE_NAME; $HD_Form -> FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_ADD = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)."?id="; $HD_Form -> FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_EDIT = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)."?id="; $HD_Form -> FG_GO_LINK_AFTER_ACTION_DELETE = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'PHP_SELF', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL)."?id=";